Book Reviews
Want to know which books make me feel all warm and fuzzy? Here’s some of the reviews I’ve written for my favourites!
Adrian Tchaikovsky, ‘Spiderlight‘
A.F.E. Smith, ‘Darkhaven‘ (Darkhaven #1)
A.F.E. Smith, ‘Goldenfire‘ (Darkhaven #2)
A.F.E. Smith, ‘Windsinger‘ (Darkhaven #3)
Amy Rose Davis, ‘Ravenmarked‘ (Taurin Chronicles #1)
Ann Leckie, ‘Ancillary Justice‘ (Imperial Radch #1)
Ben Aaronovitch, ‘Rivers of London‘ (Peter Grant #1)
Ben Galley, ‘Heart of Stone‘
Benedict Patrick, ‘They Mostly Come Out at Night‘ (Yarnsworld #1)
Brian O’Sullivan, ‘Fionn: Defence of Ráth Bládhma‘ (Fionn mac Cumhaill #1)
Brian Staveley, ‘Skullsworn‘
Chris Sharp, ‘Cold Counsel‘
Daniel Abraham, ‘The Dragon’s Path‘ (Dagger & Coin #1)
Daniel Abraham, ‘The King’s Blood‘ (Dagger & Coin #2)
Daniel Abraham, ‘The Tyrant’s Law‘ (Dagger & Coin #3)
Daniel Abraham, ‘The Widow’s House‘ (Dagger & Coin #4)
Daniel Abraham, ‘The Spider’s War‘ (Dagger & Coin #5)
Daniel Polansky, ‘Those Above‘ (Empty Throne #1)
Daniel Potter, ‘Off Leash‘ (Freelance Familiars #1)
Dyrk Ashton, ‘Paternus‘ (Paternus #1)
Frank Herbert, ‘Dune‘ (Dune #1)
Garth Nix, ‘Sabriel‘ (Old Kingdom #1)
Glen Cook, ‘The Black Company‘ (Black Company #1)
Ian C. Esslemont, ‘Night of Knives‘ (Malazan Empire #1)
Janny Wurts & Raymond E. Feist, ‘Daughter of the Empire‘ (Empire #1)
Jeff Salyards, ‘Scourge of the Betrayer‘ (Bloodsounder’s Arc #1)
Jeff Salyards, ‘Veil of the Deserters‘ (Bloodsounder’s Arc #2)
Jeff Salyards, ‘Chains of the Heretic‘ (Bloodsounder’s Arc #3)
Jen Williams, ‘The Copper Promise‘ (Copper Cat #1)
Jen Williams, ‘The Ninth Rain‘ (Winnowing Flame #1)
Joe Abercrombie, ‘Best Served Cold‘ (First Law #4/Great Leveller #1)
Joe Abercrombie, ‘Half a War‘ (Shattered Sea #3)
John Gwynne, ‘Ruin‘ (The Faithful & the Fallen #3)
John Gwynne, ‘Wrath‘ (The Faithful & the Fallen #4)
Jonathan French, ‘The Grey Bastards‘
K.A. Krantz, ‘Larcout‘ (Fire Born, Blood Blessed #1)
Lavie Tidhar, ‘The Violent Century‘
Marc Turner, ‘When the Heavens Fall‘ (Chronicle of the Exile #1)
Marc Turner, ‘Dragon Hunters‘ (Chronicle of the Exile #2)
Marc Turner, ‘Red Tide‘ (Chronicle of the Exile #3)
Marie Brennan, ‘A Natural History of Dragons‘ (Memoirs of Lady Trent #1)
Mark Lawrence, ‘Prince of Thorns‘ (Broken Empire #1)
Mark Lawrence, ‘King of Thorns‘ (Broken Empire #2)
Mark Lawrence, ‘Emperor of Thorns‘ (Broken Empire #3)
Mark Lawrence, ‘Prince of Fools‘ (Red Queen’s War #1)
Mark Lawrence, ‘The Liar’s Key‘ (Red Queen’s War #2)
Mark Lawrence, ‘The Wheel of Osheim‘ (Red Queen’s War #3)
Mark Lawrence, ‘Red Sister‘ (Book of the Ancestor #1)
Max Gladstone, ‘Three Parts Dead‘ (Craft Sequence #1)
Michael R. Fletcher, ‘Beyond Redemption‘ (Manifest Delusions #1)
Patrick Rothfuss, ‘The Slow Regard of Silent Things‘ (Kingkiller Chronicles #2.5)
Peter Clines, ‘Ex-Heroes‘ (Ex-Heroes #1)
Richard Ford, ‘Herald of the Storm‘ (Steelhaven #1)
Robin Hobb, ‘Assassin’s Apprentice‘ (Farseer #1)
Ruth Nestvold, ‘Yseult‘ (Pendragon Chronicles #1)
Sebastien de Castell, ‘Traitor’s Blade‘ (Greatcoats #1)
Steven Erikson, ‘Gardens of the Moon‘ (Malazan Book of the Fallen #1)
Steven Erikson, ‘Deadhouse Gates‘ (Malazan Book of the Fallen #2)
Steven Erikson, ‘Memories of Ice‘ (Malazan Book of the Fallen #3)
Steven Erikson, ‘House of Chains‘ (Malazan Book of the Fallen #4)
Steven Erikson, ‘Midnight Tides‘ (Malazan Book of the Fallen #5)
Steven Erikson, ‘The Bonehunters‘ (Malazan Book of the Fallen #6)
Steven Kelliher, ‘Valley of Embers‘ (Landkist #1)
Susanna Clarke, ‘Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell‘
Teresa Frohock, ‘Los Nefilim‘ (Los Nefilim #1-3)
Teresa Frohock, ‘Miserere: An Autumn Tale‘
Terry Pratchett, ‘Hogfather‘ (Discworld #20)
Tim Lebbon. ‘Relics‘
V.E. Schwab, ‘A Darker Shade of Magic‘ (Shades of Magic #1)